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Friday, May 7, 2010

Breakthrough #1 - Idea Clouds Abound

Today I spoke with two potential artists about involvement in the web comic project....and to my extreme satisfaction, they are both on board for the most part. The project itself being nebulous at this point in time presents some logistical challenges however, as anything worth doing must...

Now it's on to late-night (early morning) reading of blogs, journals, and e-guides on self publishing and Digital media Copyright law....oh boy.

Will be posting links soon so that our readers can check out the developer blogs of all our team members....This will help all fans and future fans get a feel for the caliber of crazy they're dealing with i guess, at any rate I thought it was a good idea, so I've asked and will ask all our artists, authors, publishers, editors, etc. to create a Blogger page and devblog away to keep everyone in the loop!

Look for links to our domain for the web-comic,
shameless plugging attempts,
and concept art and blurbs to come soon!


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